1 && $Idi<6){$Idi--;}else{$Idi=1;} $qf="select A.Foto from Imagen A,Imagen_idioma B where A.Codnot=$Codnot and A.Codimg=B.Codimg and B.Codid=$Idi and A.Activo='Si' order by A.Orden"; $Idi++; } //echo($qf); $resf=mysql_db_query ($db, $qf); if (mysql_num_rows($resf)>0) { $rowf= mysql_fetch_row ($resf); $Foto=$rowf[0];?>

1 && $Idi<6){$Idi--;}else{$Idi=1;} $q="SELECT B.Descripcion FROM Noticia A,Noticia_idioma B WHERE A.Codnot=B.Codnot and B.Codid=$Idi and A.Activo='Si' and A.Codnot=$Codnot order by A.Orden"; } //echo($q); $res=mysql_db_query ($db, $q); if (mysql_num_rows($res)>0) { $row = mysql_fetch_row ($res); $Texto=$row[0]; $Texto=stripslashes($Texto); echo $Texto; } ?>
1 && $Idi<6){$Idi--;}else{$Idi=1;} $qf="select A.Foto from Imagen A,Imagen_idioma B where A.Codnot=$Codnot and A.Codimg=B.Codimg and B.Codid=$Idi and A.Activo='Si' order by A.Orden"; } //echo($qf); $resf=mysql_db_query ($db, $qf); if (mysql_num_rows($resf)>0) { $ContFoto=1;$Activar=""; while ($rowf= mysql_fetch_row ($resf)) { $Foto=$rowf[0]; if($ContFoto==1){$Activar=" activa";} ?>